Mode d'emploi
from 01/02/2025 to 06/01/2025

  • Mode d'emploi
    from 01/02/2025 to 06/01/2025

    With a nod to Georges Perec's masterpiece La Vie, mode d'emploi, this exhibition looks at the so-called 'protocol' works that have permeated contemporary art from the 1960s to the present day.

    Protocol-based works mark the affirmation of a new concept of the work of art, which went from being autographed (by the hand of) to being allographed, meaning that it was activated by someone other than the artist. Challenging notions of authorship, originality and durability, they embody a radically new way of thinking about the work of art, which this exhibition invites visitors to discover and experiment with.

    Event type

    A retrouver dans la galerie

1 place Hans-Jean-Arp
67000 Strasbourg
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